Well folks, I admit it, I am a procrastinator. I had every good intention of posting regularly to this blog but what is it they say about the road to hell? Anyway, I hope this year will be better. My thanks to everyone who posted to my blog.
We had a wonderful holiday season, my sister and brother in law came down from NY and we all spent Christmas and New Year's together. My brother in law, worked very hard while here, doing all the "honey-do" things that my husband is not able to do any longer. As usual, I enjoyed my sister's company. Our daughter was able to join us over the holidays. She was a great help to us. She did a lot of the heavy lifting and assorted other "gopher" tasks.
I owe a special thanks to our friends, Helene and John who hosted the Christmas festivities. They are very generous and they spoiled us all with wonderful goodies to eat and lovely gifts.
New Year's eve we went to different parties, my sister and brother in law headed out of town to spend time at a friend's home and we spent the evening with our good friends, Barbara and Terry.