Saturday, December 06, 2008

Waiting room sketches & EDM challenge 199

I know I must seem obsessed with Madonna since I went to the concert. I thought I was jaded, after all, I had been to big concerts before, Celine Dion, Gloria Estefan, and, back in the day, Barbra Streisand in Central Park. So I was somewhat surprised that the concert has had such an effect on me. I really enjoyed it, I could have done without the pelvic thrusts and simulations of sex, but all in all, it was a great experience.


I was just settling into a nice sketching session when I was called in for my examination. This was not what I had planned, but I finished it when I got home.
EDM #199 was fun, but again, I am struggling with pen drawing. I hope I start to see some improvement soon.


This is a little local restaurant, we usually don't have to wait to be seated, but our timing was off and we were at the dinner rush. This was done looking through the window while we waited outside for a table. Finished at home with w/c
A little story about this restaurant. The owner had advertised in the local churches, supermarkets and had a sign on his door for several days that he was giving Thanksgiving dinners away for free all day Thanksgiving. He cooked 43 turkeys, and all of the fixings....he had a handful of people come in to take advantage of the opportunity. This poor guy froze as much as he could, I don't know what he did with the rest of the leftover food. You wouldn't think in these tough economic times that you would have trouble giving away a Thanksgiving dinner. It is so ironic.

This sketch represents decorations in the waiting room of a facility where my husband was having a PET scan done. I experimented with stippling for shading, and cross hatching. I put the w/c in at home, and used water soluble graphite pencils for the shadows. I am struggling with pen, but I keep at it hoping to see some improvement.
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Kim said...

Wow Trish. You've been sketching and painting a lot. You will see improvement - be kind to yourself. It's good that you are experimenting with different ways to add shadows.

Hope your husband is okay. Sorry to hear about the generous restauranteur.


Margaret Ann said...

What a busy little sketcher you have been...Glad to see you are enjoying sketching in public! The story about the turkey dinners just about broke my heart...Maybe people are too proud to accept a freebie or maybe lots of people just chose stayed home with family for a more simple celebration.
All the best to you this Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your visit on my blog!
Best wishes for the new year!
Greetings from France

Luba said...

Love the atmosphere in this restaurant with the hanging plants and lots of people. Still tyring to get comfortable drawing people. You did a great job on that!

Dana S. Whitney said...

Looks to me like your ink sketching is coming along fine. Keep at it. I agree with Kim: be kind to yourself! You may get happier with pen as you learn more ways to do shading (which is so EASY with graphite/pencil): stippling, cross hatching, scribbling.)